Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Vanderlei Luxemburgo, team manger of the Palmeiras, a Brazilian football (soccer) team was fired from his position after letting out his feelings about the trade of his players, Keirrison. Keirrison had been in negotiations with the team FC Barcelona and was pretty much guaranteed to transfer to their team soon. In response, Luxemburgo took to Twitter and said, “Keirrison didn’t show up to training. He also didn’t give me an explanation. If he isn’t sold (to FC Barcelona) he won’t play for me again.” And shortly after the Palmeiras fired Luxemburgo.

Bashing someone you work for on Twitter is no good. Perhaps it was another incident where one is jaded by the fact that Twitter in online and they think no one can find them. Or maybe he really didn’t care if his team knew his real feelings. But if that is the case then the team felt no need to care for his feelings or his well-being or his livelihood and they let him go. But simply put, Twitter is not the place to blow off steam because once its out there you can’t take it back. If you say something that would get a reaction from people face to face, you can expect a reaction when you are face to face and it may be worse than it would’ve been if you just kept it off Twitter in the first place.

Do you think the soccer team should’ve sacked Luxemburgo?

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