Monday, May 16, 2011


Timothy, an employee at California Pizza Kitchen was less than impressed with the new uniform at the restaurant and he decided to voice his thoughts on Twitter. Under the handle @Traphik, Timothy tweeted, “@calpizzakitchen black button ups are the lamest shit ever!!” The tweet received a hasty response from the company. Using Timothy’s bio information on Twitter the managers of the CPK account found the Long Beach branch where Timothy was working and had him fired. Timothy did create a youtube video to tell his side of the story and in it he doesn’t seem all that het up about it.

 There had to be some other factors to this story in order for Timothy’s termination to be just. Either this was not have been his first offense or the managers were especially upset that he used a bad word in his tweet. But if they didn’t care how the employees felt about the uniform then Timothy saying how he felt shouldn’t have made a difference to them. Or maybe CPK really is that worried about their reputation that they think one employee’s tweet could harm them. Either way this CPK’s rationale in this seems to be a few cards short of a deck. But afterwards Timothy didn’t express too much concern about being let go so maybe it was good timing for everyone.

Do you think CPK made a mistake?

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