Monday, May 9, 2011


Contractor David Le lost his job due to irresponsible posts he made to Twitter about his work in Anacostia. Le was working as a participant service specialist for the D.C. Department of Employment Services (DOES). Over the course of a month Le tweeted offensive comments such as, “In America’s ghetto Anacostia… If I get scared I will just yell Chinese carryout! They will not shoot me.” He also tweeted about his slacking on the job saying, “Thank goodness my boss is making things easy, he told me to pretend to do work so he can mark me down for hours.” David Hoffman, owner of an employment placement firm, discovered the tweets. He brought the posts to the attention of The Washington Post and the Post showed it to Mafara Hobson, spokeswoman for Mayor Adrian M. Fenty. She found the messages “unprofessional, wrong and racist” and saw to it that Le was let go. And after being fired Le changed the settings on his Twitter feed to private.

It makes no sense why David would post such awful things on his Twitter. Those were such mean comments, who did he think was being entertained by it? It’s as if he didn’t really want to keep his job. Le’s actions indicate that he thought he couldn’t be found out online. But to the contrary he was revealing himself every time he posted one of those cruel tweets. Twitter is not for opening your mouth and telling the world how you really feel or sharing secrets people have no business finding out. If you wouldn’t say it out loud, don’t say it on Twitter. It’s not a journal, it’s a website.

Do you think David’s tweets should’ve resulted in his termination?

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