Tuesday, May 10, 2011


In Turkey, Vodafone employee Muller Tamas was in charge of the company’s Twitter account but foolishly thinking made a joke about their competitor and thus lost his job. One day T-Mobile was having some software problems, causing their network to be down. In order to keep their customers up to date on the situation they were using Twitter to let them know that they know there’s and issue and that they are working on it. But when Muller found this he made a bad judgment call and decided to retweet T-Mobile’s tweet and add a little joke to it under Vodafone’s account. Muller tweeted, “Ok give us a ring! ;) RT @tomobilehungary There will be an official statement (released) about the network problem. Please be patient!” When Vodafone found this they were extremely upset and fired Muller right away.

For people with their own personal Twitter accounts they can make jokes like that whenever they want about whomever they want. But when a company has a Twitter account they use it to give their brand a personality as well as another way to reach their customers. And when you’re in charge of such an important function of the company you have to realize how important a responsibility that is. But Muller took it lightly and perhaps thought that he would be praised for the jab at the competition. But his plan backfired because this was business and any and all jabs in business have to be sneaky, not broadcasted all over the Internet.

Do you think Muller should’ve been fired when his joke backfired?

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