Monday, March 28, 2011


TBK, a 37-year-old single mother, was fired from her day job after only a month of working there once her St. Louis area nonprofit employer discovered she was a sex blogger. How did they find out this information? On Twitter of course. TBK says that she was excellent at keeping her office life and her extracurricular life separate. But when creating her Twitter account TBK put her real name and for some reason expected only her handle to be visible. When she saw that her name did show she went back to delete it and she thought by doing so had solved the problem. But it was too late. The Twitter search engine Topsy already had cached all the details and her name remained next to her handle. And when her boss, googled information about his employees he discovered her Twitter account that included tweets about her fetishes of the day, other erotic material and links to her sex blog. And when she came to work the next day, she was fired immediately.    

It goes without saying that trying to live a double life on the Internet is not smart. People have to realize that once they put their information out there, they cannot take it back. The Internet is just as, if not more public than broadcast television or radio. Anyone can find anything that is uploaded onto it. And while the subject matter of her blog may seem inappropriate, by most, there are some who may find it of interest. However, if someone chooses to be an icon in that realm they can’t expect to be able to carry on the same lifestyle as prudent people. She instead should have chosen work where her reputation wouldn’t be so critical. Good luck.

Do you think the subject matter of TBK’s blog should have affected her employment status?

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