Saturday, March 26, 2011


After a Sunday night baseball game Sports radio 1310 “The Ticket” talk show host and former MLB player Mike Bacsik was fired from his job after expressing his feelings about the Dallas Mavericks loss to the San Antonio Spurs. When the Mavericks lost the irritated Bacsik tweeted, “Congrats to all the dirty Mexicans in San Antonio.” The story aired nationally on CNN and the next Tuesday Bacsik said he understood why he was fired; he just wished he had a few minutes of airtime to apologize. Bacsik also said he was drunk at a bar that night and after the game was when he started his tweeting tirade. But Bacsik says, “I learned my lesson. I’m owning up to what I did. I did a horrible thing. I’m very sorry and will try my best for my actions to speak louder than my tweets.”

Obviously Twitter is not the place to express your racist positions, especially someone who works in front of the public eye. He probably does really regret it, but is it just because he was fired? The next day did he feel the need to take it down and apologize? We’ll never really know, but we do know that a lot of times how people really feel slips out when they’ve been drinking. And no matter how sorry he was for his remarks he’s now revealed himself as someone with a somewhat negative disposition toward another race and in that case he certainly cannot represent the radio station anymore.

Do you think Bacsik should still have his job? 

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