Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The TV voice of the popular Aflac bird, Gilbert Gottfried has been fired for his insensitive Tweets about Japan on Twitter.  Gottfried wrote, “Japan is really advanced. They don't go to the beach. The beach comes to them." Apparently he thought the tweets were just funny, not mean. But while Gottfried has been spokesperson for Aflac for 10 years now, 75% of Aflac’s business is done in Japan and thus Aflac had no choice. But even if the company didn’t have so much presence in Japan they most likely would have gotten rid of him anyways.

The tweet was a bad move on Gottfried’s part. Because he is a comedian he probably approaches issues like these with a lighter heart than most but he failed to take into consideration peoples real devastation.  But a lot about being a comedian is about timing and this comment came way too soon. But now Gottfried has his own new crisis. He needs a new job and someone who would consider hiring him after all this. Hope he can find the comedic relief in that.

Turns out he may have, yesterday (March 21, 2011) RealGilbert tweeted: “I’ve got it! A new version of Full House with me, @charliesheen and Mel Gibson!”

Do you think Gottfried should have been fired for his 140 characters?

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