Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The Chrysler Company hired social media strategist Scott Bartosiewcz to manage their social media affairs eight months ago. All was going well until one day in early March on his way home and stuck in traffic Scott tweeted “I find it ironic that Detroit is known as the #motorcity and yet no one here knows how to f*cking drive.” Scott meant for the tweet to appear on his personal account but he mistakenly sent it to the Chrysler brand’s feed. The flub resulted not only with Scott’s dismissal but Chrysler also let go of his employer, New Media Strategies, a Virginia based marketing firm.

Everybody makes mistakes, and if the public were a more forgiving audience Chrysler should have been able to keep Scott and New Media Strategies because they have been doing an excellent job for Chrysler. But people like to overreact to any little thing they can and Chrysler knows this. In order to avoid the unwanted press and loss of business that Chrysler invested so much into to building, Scott had to go. And Scott says he understands Chrysler’s position.

Chrysler apologized via twitter writing, “Our apologies- our account was compromised earlier today. We are taking steps to resolve it.”

Do you think Chrysler took the right steps to resolve it?

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